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Kendal Parmar - International Speaker

Entrepreneur. CEO & Co-Founder, Untapped AI.

My passion is to bring Emotional Intelligence - the most underrated and undervalued skill of women - into AI. I am a behavioral scientist - both a clinical and an IO psychologist and the CEO and co-founder of Untapped AI. I am a woman of color and a mum who has brought up 5 children on my own.

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My passion is to bring the Emotional Intelligence - the most underrated and undervalued skill of women - into AI.


I am a behavioral scientist - both a clinical and an IO psychologist and the CEO and co-founder of Untapped AI. I am a woman of color and a mum who has brought up 5 children on my own.

We've created Bea - you'll love her - she is the world's most emotionally intelligent chatbot on the market, built on the shoulders of over 5,000 women (in the last 10 years in Untapped AI). No advice, no standard responses. Bea gets to the root of the problem fast and safely by skilled exploration and then she helps the user generate solutions that they can implement.


A trained clinical psychologist, Kendal has worked hard to inspire better cultures within organizations. After working as an occupational psychologist and being appointed People & Culture Director for Airmiles (then British Airways), she created the algorithm behind the “Sunday Times’ 100 Best Companies to work for” list.

In 2014 she co-founded Untapped AI, a ground-breaking digital coaching venture focused on individual and systemic change.  They combine the human connection of 1:1 coaching with the disruptive, transformative power of AI data analysis.


She is an inspirational speaker igniting new mindsets among leaders, women and organizations to accelerate change through action.

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